HMC Project Calls: Innovation through Collaboration
Our project calls are a key driver for the continuous growth of the HMC community. Interdisciplinary projects that actively involve the HMC Hubs ensure that new tools and solutions are directly integrated into the platform and the Helmholtz community – enabling sustainable knowledge and technology transfer. Join us in this innovative collaboration!
In HMC, project calls are a key instrument for promoting the continuous development of the HMC community. The annual HMC project call supports interdisciplinary, cross-center projects that address practical challenges in metadata generation and data enrichment. The total budget for HMC projects amounts to 1.2 million euros per year, funded by the Impulse and Networking Fund (IVF). Funded Helmholtz Centers are required to co-finance the respective project with 50% of their own funds.
The HMC team supports project participants with networking and provides advice on the scope, implementation, and generalization of projects to ensure alignment with the HMC vision. Throughout the project phase, supported projects are regularly accompanied and closely coordinated with HMC units and their staff. This fosters knowledge and technology transfer and ensures the sustainable integration of results into the HMC portfolio.
Join our Mattermost Group "HMC Public" to find partners for the next HMC Project Call.